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Lessons Learned from a Process Server

The courageous men and women who work as process servers gain a unique education throughout their careers, especially when it comes to serving recipients who are desperate to avoid service. Below is a compilation of lessons from process servers who have seen it all. Sometimes Service Has to Be Sneaky

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Don’t Shoot the Messenger: Promoting Process Server Safety

The phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger” is never more relevant than in the case of process servers, whose daily responsibilities require them to deliver papers that inform people of their involvement in potentially devastating lawsuits. Despite not having anything to do with the lawsuits, process servers are all too often blamed for the defendant’s legal woes, and some recipients have quite literally shot their messengers.

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The First Lawsuit Has Been Served via Twitter

It’s hard to remember a time before Facebook dominated the Internet, but even still it caused major waves when estranged spouses began receiving permission from judges to serve their divorces via Facebook Messenger. Now Twitter, a much newer site and most infamously known for the platform utilized for rantings by presidential candidate Donald Trump, has been approved as an appropriate venue to serve a lawsuit. The Changing Nature of Social Media

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Chris Brown’s Newest Legal Troubles are with a Process Server

Chris Brown is a talented singer, but he’s also notorious for his violent tendencies. The troubled R&B star is known just as much for his music as for the fact that he physically assaulted then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009. He’s been in jail, entangled in community service, and on the bad end of a string of unfortunate social media confrontations. Now Brown can add process server and life coach as two new sources of legal woes.

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One UK Man Sues His Son’s School

All schools have a responsibility to educate their student and equip them with the tools they will need to succeed throughout life, but some schools are under more pressure than others. Abbotsholme School, for example, is an independent private boarding school located in Staffordshire, England. The school prides itself on offering the highest tier of education to encourage independent thinkers, develop curious thinkers, and provide a progressive education.

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The Vicious Attack of a Process Server

Postmen are known to be wary of dogs, and for good reason. The death of Erin McCleskey proves more than ever that delivery men and women of all kinds need to be hyper-alert of any animals in the area and prepared to protect themselves from such threats. McCleskey, a 36-year-old process server from Austin, Texas, was tragically killed by violent dogs on the property where she needed to serve papers for a civil trial.

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Is There a Need for Body Armor in Process Serving?

Nobody will deny that working as a private process server can be a difficult job. Process servers by nature deliver papers of sensitive nature that the recipient typically does not want to receive. While most people can be logical enough to realize that the process server is simply a delivery messenger and has no involvement in the action being taken by the court papers, others interpret the process server as the main enemy and act accordingly. Enduring hurled insults, physical

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Eviction Even Impacts Major Sports Ventures

Major League Hockey and Baseball are staples in American sports, but Major League Football hasn’t caught on with the same success. Professional football is known for occurring in the National Football League (NFL) with renowned teams like the Patriots, Saints, Steelers, and Eagles. However, Major League Football (MLFB) attempted to create a new niche in football catering to the fan experience.

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The Hows and Whys of the Skip Trace

Depending on the path your life has led you down, you may or may not be aware of something called a skip trace. Also known as debtor and fugitive recovery, skip tracing helps certain people or entities learn more about a person’s whereabouts in order to achieve a specific purpose. If you’re lucky, you’ll never be the subject of a skip trace, but a large majority of the population will eventually undergo such investigation. The Basics of Skip Trace

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