Lakeland (863) 873-6691 | Tampa (813) 544-6900 | St. Petersburg (727) 826-7207 | New Port Richey (727) 807-2553

When it is Hard to Fight Back, Process Servers Can Do it for You!

Have you ever lived with a terrible roommate, someone who had agreed to split everything evenly—the work, the rent, the utilities—and did not do any of those things?

Maybe you did some work for a neighbor who promised to pay, but when you were done building the new wing onto their house, they laughed and locked the door on you.

Of course, less dramatic examples exist. Maybe you slipped and fell outside the ice store, and you are not a fan of irony. What each of these examples has in common is that, in each case, it is important to let that person know they screwed up, even if confrontation is not your strong suit. What better way is there to do that then to deliver a summons or subpoena to them in person?

To have one delivered by someone else, that is what! This is where process servers come in, but it is crucial that you find a server who knows what they are doing and how to get results. Otherwise, you may end up having to confront the person who has wronged you anyway, and that totally defeats the purpose!

What Should You Look for in a “Good” Process Server?

Serving papers is not always so cut and dry. What if the person runs off, never to be seen again? What if they moved to a new city or state? What if they have several aliases?

A good firm will run a quick background check first, and then they can take it from there. Of course, you have those rare cases where a background search turns up nothing. The person in question is bent on not being found. A great process server will not let that stop them.

A reputable, reliable process server firm will be able to serve in any part of the country—and maybe even other countries when necessary. Furthermore, a very good firm can suggest, or even supply, an investigator to help insure that the offender is found and served and that you get what is yours.

So when looking to serve up justice, it is important not to go at it alone. Do your research; find a professional, experienced process server; and let them take care of all the hard work. You have other things to worry about…like what tie you will wear to the hearing.

We are here to serve

If you require service of process in Tampa, contact us today to learn how we can help.

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