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May Newsletter

Message from the Founder

The 2019 NAPPS Convention found it’s way to Orlando, FL this year. The Accurate Serve team was out in full force. The Convention kicked off Thursday May 2 with the annual NAPPS golf tournament. Accurate Serve put together one fierce foursome: Beau Charlet, Brandon Muscato, Brennan Fogarty and Derek Keating (see pic, pictured from left to right). The best ball tournament was won by this AS team with an amazing score of -10 under par. After golf, there was a networking lunch followed by bag stuffing. Our golf team stuffed over 200 bags full of our SWAG items (On that note, if you need any SWAG items for your office or for some type of event, please reach out to your local AS Owner/Operator). Thursday night concluded with more networking and BINGO. Although no AS Rep won anything at bingo, it was a great time.

The Convention continued on Friday with the start of the annual meetings. At the end of the day, there was a networking reception/cocktail party followed by a poker tournament. We had 2 AS Reps enter the poker tournament, Beau Charlet and Josh Kes. Both played well and made it to the final table (started with 10 tables of 5-7 at each table). Josh came in 5th place and Beau took home the 1st place trophy and cash money, LOL. Saturday included the continuation of the annual meeting, election of officers and annual banquet/awards ceremony. Sunday switched from NAPPS to FAPPS as FAPPS held it’s quarterly board meeting. We had at least one AS Rep in attendance Thursday – Sunday.

It was a great time had by the AS family as we came together to represent and market the Accurate Serve brand. Networking with colleagues from all over the US (and Canada) was a great experience. While we are able to keep your papers in house in pretty much all of FL, we do utilize the services of a lot of the people we were able to meet and socialize with that week. And these are also people who use our team to serve their papers in FL. Every single person we spoke with at the Convention knew of Accurate Serve and has either used us or we have used them to get papers served. That’s just awesome!!

Warmest regards,
Beau Charlet

Franchisee Spotlight: Daytona Beach

Usually when talking with people and you mention that you are a process server, a lot of people tend to ask if it’s just like what the guy does in the movie, Pineapple Express. They sometimes ask if we ever disguise ourselves as someone to try to serve a paper when you can’t get someone served. What they don’t know is, you cannot conceal your identity as a process server when serving a paper. When you are serving a paper at someone’s residence, you always have to be prepared. Yes, Google maps can give you an idea of the address but it can not prepare you for the potential encounters when you arrive there. Here are some things we run in to when serving a paper.

Gated communities: by law, the security guard at the gate is supposed to let us into the community. Some are unfamiliar with the law so we have to quote the statutes to them. This usually does the trick but if they still do not budge, we have to call the non-emergency dispatch for the local law enforcement to help educate and assist us onto the property.

Gated fences: by law, we CAN NOT jump a locked gate or open a mail box. What most of us tend to do is honk the horn several times, leave a note, look up the property appraiser to see if the subject owns the property or speak to a neighbor.

Loose Dogs: Yes, dogs. If we are on someone’s property and the dog is unchained and seems aggressive, we usually honk the horn until the residents come out or report back to the client telling them it is unsafe to serve the paper since there is an aggressive dog running around the property.

Business at a residence: When serving a business at a residence, please remember to address the documents in c/o someone at the house. Sometimes when serving someone who has roommates, they do not know the business once we mention it but once we mention the business owner or registered agent’s name, they confirm with us that the subject lives at the address. We cannot stress how important this is and how much time it saves from going back out to the address again.

Video Doorbells/Surveillance Cameras: It’s a 50/50 with these. When people expect that they are being served, sometimes they work with us in regards to telling us when to come back through the video doorbell. We also had instances where we had interactions with the subjects we are serving and they are uncooperative with us through the video doorbell telling us to get off their property.

There are other things we come across when serving papers but these are some of the things we usually run across and we figured we could give you a quick insight of what we encounter. Let us know what you want to hear about and we will gladly include it in the following newsletter.

– Joshua Kes

Need our help?
Call (386) 569-8475 or
Email [email protected]

Visit the Daytona Beach Website

Your local Owner/Operator can facilitate all of your local, statewide, nationwide and international serves.  Reach out to your local Owner/Operator and ask for a Rate Sheet.

May Dates to Remember

5/5 – Cinco De Mayo
5/8 – Happy Birthday Brennan Fogarty!
5/12 – Mother’s Day
5/27 – Memorial Day
*Bradenton & Sarasota Anniversaries*

“If you set your goal ridiculously high and it’s a failure, you will fail above everyone else’s success.”
– James Cameron
April 2019 Job Statistics

April 2019 Job Count – 4,561

Average Number of Days from Receiving Paper to Paper Being Served* – 4.53

*This includes jobs that may be on hold or waiting for new info.  There is no way to take those jobs out of the calculation.  So, if a job is placed on hold for 2 weeks, that’s 14 days on that job which factors in to this average. So, we’re even better than what the eyes see, LOL. Some papers get served same day, some next day and some take multiple attempts/addresses to effect service. All we do all day and every day is serve papers. We’re good at it and we love what we do. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to continue to serve your papers.

Copyright © 2019 Accurate Serve, All rights reserved.

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